LCF Alumni Association Leadership Lunch Series Topic: On the Table Alumni Attendee Feedback, by David Feightner

LCF Alumni Association Leadership Lunch Series
Topic: On the Table
Alumni Attendee Feedback, by David Feightner

On The Table, and in the community… was a day of contemplation and collaboration amongst our community. Leaders and both informed and concerned participants across Southwest Florida joined together to discuss the top issues that we face, and provide solutions and concepts aimed at alleviating such issues. The usual suspects were all present… affordable housing, growth and development (and traffic), education for the next generation, and then, of course, climate change, water, and the environment. While these have all been hot topics brought up amongst leaders in Southwest Florida for years, this day’s discussion entitled “On the Table”, was intended to do more than just talk.

For the purposes of this blog, I’ll refer specifically to the LCF Luncheon hosted by Lee County Electric Cooperative (LCEC) at the North Collier Regional Park. Approximately 45 participants showed up, and everyone was split up into groups of 5 or 6 per table. After some introduction and general notes on the plan, the group dove headfirst into conversations about the various topics of concern that need attention in our community. Upon finishing our spirited conversations, we all participated in a survey that is used to inform both the Richard E Schultze Foundation, and the Collier Community Foundation, as they aim to move forward solutions to address the most pressing needs.

One thing is clear, there are many vested in the wellbeing of this community, and that resulted in enthusiastic conversation. Our local leadership groups are comprised of individuals working in all capacities, from business to government, and from environment to healthcare, finance and beyond. It is an intertwined matrix of relationships, and that has proven to be an effective dynamic as Collier County is widely viewed as one of the most desirable places to live in the country. The turnout and participation on this day also validates that there are many who not only want to be part of the solution, but also many who have ideas and want to provide such solutions.

What’s next? The foundation, and its partners will have a broader set of information from which to make decisions. They will also have confirmation as to which issues the community truly cares about, and maybe even some useful ideas that can be integrated into the strategy as we seek to tackle the many challenges that exist and affect us every day.

If nothing else, it was a day of information sharing, a day of positive discussion, and the beginning of a very encouraging tradition that hopefully, if continued year over year, will help to shape our community for decades to come.

By Mary | Aug 18, 2023 | News

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Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers